Our consulting services are designed to support your organization in achieving set objectives.
We offer advisory and consulting services including a review of existing business processes and strategies, as well as implementations.
Brightside Consulting can also evaluate and advice on policies, procedures, process enhancements, and any management requests for reviews of areas considered essential:
Our Services:
- Strategic and Business Planning with Board and Management.
- ERM update/development.
- Risk Appetite Statement.
- Capital Planning.
- Liquidity Planning.
- ICAAP template and report.
- IFRS9 template/reporting.
- Board Reporting package support – to be modified in 2023 to comply with new CUDGC reporting standards.
- Lease accounting and reconciliations.
- CU Budgeting Process.
We support Credit Union clients with:
- Loan risk rating analysis and tracking, NAICS analysis.
- Responses to the provincial regulator, develop action plans to fix problems.
- CUDGC impact assessment for the proposed SSBP changes.”