Privacy Statement

By using our website or services or submitting personal information to Brightside Consulting, you consent to the purposes and uses outlined below for which we collect or share your personal information.

Information Collected
You have complete control over your personal information. You can visit our website or contact us through other means without providing us with any personal information. There are, however, instances where we may require personal information.

Information Sharing and Disclosure
Brightside Consulting may only send personal information about you to other organizations when we have your consent to share the information. We may disclose personal information without consent when required by law, but the information we provide will be limited to only what is legally required.

Business Service Partners
In providing service, we may use external service partners or third-party suppliers to assist us. In performing their duties, these service partners may handle your personal information on our behalf. Our contracts with these providers ensure that they handle your information with the same standard of care that you have come to expect from us. These partners, like our employees and consultants, are bound to maintain your confidentiality and may not use the information for unauthorized purposes.

Website Usage Statistics

We often collect information about how clients use our site to improve it continually. These usage statistics are only viewed in the aggregate and not tied to an individual. We use this information to enhance the pages where our clients are having difficulties and ensure that we have the appropriate infrastructure to service future needs.

The information collected may include your IP address, browser type, and operating system, as well as data passively generated as you browse the site, such as the number and types of pages visited and the length of time spent per page on the site overall.

Our use of Cookies

Brightside Consulting also uses a key web technology called cookies. A cookie is a small information token that sits on your computer. While there are many reasons to use cookies, we use them for the benefit of our clients.

Most recent browser versions allow the user to set some level of control over the acceptance of cookies and how your browser uses them. For example, many browsers will allow you to accept cookies from only known, reliable sites you select. If you are concerned about cookies, we encourage you to upgrade your browser to a recent version and review the Help section of your browser to learn more about its specific control features.

Links to Other Sites

Our website may also contain links to other websites or Internet resources. However, Brightside Consulting has no responsibility or liability for or control over these other websites or Internet resources or their collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. Always review the privacy statements of the sites that you are viewing.


Brightside Consulting has organizational, physical, and technological measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of personal information under our control. In addition, we review security practices regularly.

As we continue to expand to serve you better and as new technologies become available, we may need to amend this privacy statement at any time, with or without notice, to reflect changes in functionality and practice. Please check this privacy statement regularly for changes.

Contact Us

We welcome any questions or concerns about our privacy statement or the practices of this site. Please get in touch with our privacy officer at [email protected].